First Grade MATH
Addition and Subtraction to 20
18 Topics
Make 10 to Add
Make 10 to Add (continued)
Doubles Plus One
Finding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less
Using a Number Line for Addition to 20
Using Doubles for Addition to 20
Doubles Plus One
Solve Addition Word Problems with Facts to 20
Use Addition to Subtract
Make 10 to Subtract
Make 10 to Subtract (Continued)
Fact Families
Use Addition to Subtract
Solve Word Problems with Facts to 20
True Equations
True and False Equations
Solve Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Word Problems with Three Addends
Compare Two-Digit Numbers
3 Topics
1 More, 1 Less, 10 More, 10 Less
Compare Numbers with Symbols
Compare Numbers on a Number Line
Represent and Interpret Data
4 Topics
Organize Data into Three Categories
Organize Data into Three Categories
Collect and Represent Data
Interpret Data
Telling Time
5 Topics
Understand the Minute and Hour Hand
Understand the Hour and Minute Hand
Tell and Write Time to the Hour
Tell and Write Time to the Half Hour
Tell and Write Time to the Half Hour
Measure Lengths
3 Topics
Compare and Order Lengths
Indirect Measurement
Ordering and Expressing Length Measurements as Numbers
Place Value & Counting
5 Topics
Count by 1s to 120
Count by 10s to 120
Count by 1s and 10s to 120
Count on an Open Number Line
Count and Write Numbers
Understanding 2-D and 3-D Shapes
9 Topics
Make Halves and Fourths from Squares and Circles
Describing the Attributes of 2-D Shapes
Identify, Compose, and Partition 2-D Shapes
Identify, Compose and Partition Shapes
Identify, Compose, and Partition 2-D Shapes
Identify, Compose and Partition 3-D Shapes
Defining and Non-Defining 3-D Attributes
Compose 3-D Shapes
Make Equal Parts of Shapes
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Defining and Non-Defining 3-D Attributes
First Grade MATH
Understanding 2-D and 3-D Shapes
Defining and Non-Defining 3-D Attributes
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